
Neurocoaching aims to help you develop healthier mental habits, improve memory, manage stress, and optimize cognitive performance.

 Think of Neurocoaching as the next level of personal development—like upgrading from a bicycle to a faster car, propelling you more quickly toward your goals.

Bugatti Chiron Super Sport 300+ holds the title of the fastest production car in the world. It reached a top speed of 304.773 mph (490.484 km/h).

“We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect; we apprehend it just as much by feeling.” ― Carl Jung


 1. What’s A Neurocoach?
2. Benefits Of Working With A Neurocoach
3. Who Might Work With A Neurocoach?
4. What Is A Neuro Transformational Coach?
          Transformational Neurocoaching
          Neuroscience Consciousness
          And Transformational Coaching
5. What Is Brain Based Coaching?
6. What Is Brain Plasticity?
          Neuro Coach Method
7. Neuro Coaching Vs Somatic Coaching
8. Neuro Coaching Vs Mindset Coaching
9. Can Neuro Coaching Improve Your Confidence?
10. How Do You Become A Neurocoach?
Certified Neuro Transformational Coach
11. Neurocoach Salary
12. How To Become Your Own Neuro Coach

Any More Questions About How Neuro Coaching Techniques Can Improve Our Personal And Professional Lives?

1. What’s A Neurocoach?

1. What’s A Neurocoach?

A neurocoach helps their clients to self-improve using tools and exercises based on studies of the human brain. Their main goal is to help people gain a better understanding of how their brain functions, and make improvements to this, so they can perform better at their daily tasks. They will be applying neuroscience within their coaching programs. In order to do this, they must have a deeper understanding of the brain’s structure and processes than a traditional life coach.

2. Benefits Of Working With A Neurocoach

2. Benefits Of Working With A Neurocoach

With neurocoaching, you’ll be able to improve your: willpower, motivation, focus, memory, mindfulness, emotions, imagination, ability to learn and more.  With this improved brain power, it’s highly likely that you’ll become far more productive. You’ll be  able to perform better as an employee or business leader.  With improved emotional intelligence, you should be able to manage your stress better. You should feel more self-empowered to be the boss of your own life, rather than being a slave of your emotions.  All-in-all, you should be able to enjoy your day-to-day life living in your body with your brain.

3. Who Might Work With A Neurocoach?

3. Who Might Work With A Neurocoach?

Anyone who wants to improve their cognitive performance might be interested in neuro coaching. This form of coaching might be particularly appealing to entrepreneurs and business leaders, who stand to make the most profit from increased performance in the workplace. Professional athletes, members of the military, or any person who wants to reach peak performance each day would stand to benefit a lot. You might think that neuro coaching is only for clients who identified a flaw in their memory, concentration or willpower, for example. But that’s not true. While most people might believe their brains are functioning well, the truth is: most are nowhere near their full potential. Most people’s brains are blocking their path to success – and they don’t even know it. After a couple of neurocoaching sessions, that’s likely to become clear. With that said, neurocoaches also commonly work with victims of brain damage or stroke to aid their recovery. The great news is: thanks to advances in brain science, these clients are far more likely to make a great recovery than in the past.

4. What Is A Neuro Transformational Coach?

4. What Is A Neuro Transformational Coach?

A Neuro Transformational Coach will use neurocoaching tools to help clients transform into the best version of themselves.  They work with clients who want to improve their personal and professional lives, using coaching techniques based on brain science.

Transformational Neurocoaching

To get a better idea of the coaching conversation that may occur, see this guide on transformation coaching.  

Neuroscience Consciousness And Transformational Coaching

When looking around for the best neurocoach, you’ll notice that coaches will brand themselves slightly differently.  Neuroscience Consciousness And Transformational Coaching is one such example of this.   Indeed, you should expect consciousness (awareness of how your brain works) and transformation (self-improvement) to be a major part of all neurocoaching programs.   The main factors to consider when choosing your neuro coach is your coach’s qualifications, experience and whether you have a good rapport in your initial consultation.  

5. What Is Brain Based Coaching?

5. What Is Brain Based Coaching?

With all traditional coaching efforts, it is the client who is in charge of their own goal-setting. They will set the agenda and decide what they want to be learning.  This is the same brain-based coaching, although the coach is more likely to assist clients using exercises to assess the way their brain works.  For example, the coach is likely to teach their client about the concept of brain plasticity and the associated neural patterns.   They will also give the clients the tools and exercises that allow them to gain unique insights into the way they think – and to improve this.

Many clients testify that this nuerocoaching model provides an accelerated method of self-change, compared to traditional life coaching.

6. What Is Brain Plasticity?

6. What Is Brain Plasticity?

Brain plasticity is the idea that our brains can change based on our behavior over time. What’s more, we can do this at any age, not just childhood.  According to neuro-scientific research, we can alter our brains chemically (for short-term change) or structurally (for long-term change).

Neuro Coach Method

Neurocoaching interventions allow us to target specific domains of the brain to create ‘windows of plasticity’ and form greater connectivity within these brain regions. These targeted interventions help us to make lasting improvements in the way we execute tasks or manage our emotions, for example.  This form of brain-based learning is unique to neurocoaching. It’s unlikely to be a part of any ‘traditional’ coaching methods.

7. Neuro Coaching Vs Somatic Coaching

7. Neuro Coaching Vs Somatic Coaching

Neurocoaching falls under the umbrella of natural health, as does somatic coaching.   Neurocoaching focuses on the brain’s impact on a client’s life. Somatic coaching is focused on how the body impacts a client’s life.  A neuro coach will help clients make changes to their brain, whereas a somatic coach will encourage physical changes in order to help a client make mental changes.  There is some overlap in these coaching techniques, however.   All coaches are taught to evaluate the body’s energy and movements to gain clues about a client’s well being.   There are plenty of clues you can gain about someone’s well-being by the way they carry themselves.

It’s widely agreed among all types of coaches that the mind affects the body and vice-versa. Our physical health affects our mental health. Stress lowers energy levels and can affect our bodies in many other negative ways. So, you shouldn’t be surprised if a neurocoaching model also includes physical exercises.  

8. Neuro Coaching Vs Mindset Coaching

8. Neuro Coaching Vs Mindset Coaching

There is significant overlap between these two forms of coaching too.  Mindset Coaching will mostly focus on your confidence and overall attitude to life. It’ll help you improve your motivation, willpower and control your stress, among other skills.   Neuro coaching goes a step further using evidence-based strategies to help you improve your focus, memory and learning abilities.  

9. Can Neuro Coaching Improve Your Confidence?

9. Can Neuro Coaching Improve Your Confidence?

Confidence and self-belief is formed in the brain – and neuro coaching can therefore help you to improve this part of your mindset.  A neuro coach will be able to explore the mental blocks that might be affecting your confidence in your personal or professional life.  Better yet, this form of coaching will give you the tools to help you improve certain skills – and this should create a natural self-efficacy as you witness your own success.

10. How Do You Become A Neurocoach?

10. How Do You Become A Neurocoach?

Neurocoaching – and any other type of coaching – is part of a self-regulated industry. There’s nothing stopping you from launching a website and marketing your neurocoaching business today.  However, in order to gain the knowledge, skill and trust to become a success in this career, you’ll need to gain a neurocoaching certification.  

Certified Neuro Transformational Coach

Any person who spends a couple of minutes learning about the best neurocoaching business will quickly understand they need a certified coach.   It’s highly recommended you enrol in a course that’s certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF). These are the most reputable courses available – and will ensure you’re learning all the skills you need to become

11. Neurocoach Salary

11. Neurocoach Salary

There isn’t too much reliable data available to help you estimate the money you can earn by launching a neurocoaching business.  As a self-employed coach, you’ll be free to set your own rates. The amount you can successfully charge will depend on the demand for your services, as well as your perceived skill, knowledge and experience.

With that said, neuro coaches are a new breed of ‘specialist’ coaches and might therefore expect to be able to charge more than a general life coach. At this time, there aren’t as many specialist neuro coaches out there – and less competition often means coaches can successfully justify the extra cost of their services.  

12. How To Become Your Own Neuro Coach

12. How To Become Your Own Neuro Coach

The fastest way to make improvements to your brain is to invest in one-on-one neuro coaching.  However, there are various tools and techniques you can use to identify and improve your own inefficient thinking without the help of a coach.  If you’re interested in learning more about this skill.

Any More Questions About How Neuro Coaching Techniques Can Improve Our Personal And Professional Lives?

I hope you can click away satisfied with your new knowledge about what neuro coaches do and the amazing results they can provide.  If you’re interested in learning more about the impact that neurocoaching can have on your brain, feel free to ask a question in the comments below.  

It will be great to hear from you.

In mindfulness, a “State” refers to a temporary condition in which an individual is aware of their thoughts and feelings and able to stay present when distractions arise, and “Trait” is the more permanent ability to enter a mindful perspective at will, in which an individual recognizes what they are thinking and feeling, accepts them without judgment, and keeps the focus on being present.

In feelfulness, individuals gain insight into the underlying causes of their feelings, and take conscious steps to modify or change how they feel.  

 While a state of being and a state of mind are related, they are not the same thing. A person's state of being can influence their state of mind, and vice versa, but they are distinct concepts.    

The verb to be is an example of a state verb which relates to the state of being. In other words, if you ARE, then you are in the state of being. If something EXISTS, it is in the state of being too.  "To be" is the primary state-of-being verb. So, "Jane is a mother." "Ron was sick." "Tim is dead." "Cory is intelligent." The subject is renamed by a predicate nominative (mother) or a predicate adjective (intelligent).

You CAN control your state of being. When you choose which state of being you’d like to experience, you’ll be able to determine and direct your actions.

Feelings are the perceptions of physiological changes, whereas emotions are mental images, representing internal or external states of reality. There are numerous theories of emotion, with some believing that emotions are a cognitive and physiological experience, while others suggest that emotions are produced by complex interactions between cognitive, physiological, and social processes. Emotional experience is believed to be subjective, varying in intensity and quality depending on individual factors such as personality, cultural norms, and situational context.

Feelfulness is a powerful tool that can be used to gain greater control over one's thought, emotions, and feelings. It can lead to an overall improved state of being, allowing individuals to be more feelful of their feelings, better equipped to manage difficult emotions, and more confident in their ability to grow and develop through the incredible power of neuroplasticity.

 An individual's manner of thinking, feeling, and acting is defined by their unique personality traits; these traits are a blend of genetic and environmental influences, and go through changes as the person is exposed to new experiences and gains understanding of their thinking and feeling.

Thus, through purposefully crafted experiences an individual can develop or modify their existing personality traits; for example, an individual who is naturally introverted may develop more extroverted traits and an individual who is more deceitful can develop more honesty traits.

This is achieved through the use of distinctive language constructs comprised of evocators, movers, and descriptors arranged in triplicate structures. Evocative words and phrases stimulate an emotional response - strongly positive or negative reactions- beyond their literal meaning because they are vague, and everyone has a subjective experience of what the words means to them. These language constructs as word triangles help create /modify /generate a state and through repetition help create a more permanent ability of an individual to enter a feelful state at will.

Neuroplasticity – or brain plasticity – is the ability of the brain to modify its connections or re-wire itself. Without this ability, any brain, not just the human brain, would be unable to develop from infancy through to adulthood or to recover from brain injury.

Feelfulness’ methodology is grounded in the concept of Neuroplasticity, the brain's capacity to re-wire and adapt in reaction to new experiences and stimuli; some procedures are inspired by a common element from spiritual systems such as alchemy, and shamanism: shifting of one’s state of consciousness, which always involved the intentional shifting of one’s state of being.

Traditionally this process is facilitated through a wide range of activities such as mindfulness practices, meditations, and other forms of cognitive therapy, and feelfulness takes these practices to greater heights due to the brain’s ability -neuroplasticity- to groove new neural pathways, enabling an individual to regulate their emotions, and even increase their intelligence.

Feelfulness was coined in 2001 and introduced as transformative practice by Carmen Sauciuc. Training and coaching are recommended.

Most importantly, feelfulness transitions individuals from a binary mindset to a dynamic, multifaceted perspective. For example to transition from the dual state of confident vs doubtful, an individual is encouraged to utilize both facets of this dual state by adding a new perspective: doubt the old perceived limitations and consider recognizing current strengths which enables them to feel and not just think, but truly feel the inner confidence opening up the world of possibilities that extends far beyond their current perceptions. This enables individuals to acquire a balanced state of assurance as opposed to that of uncertainty.

The five sequential components of Feelfulness processes are:
1. Awareness.  
This component pertains to a person's capacity to observe the factual environment, thoughts, and emotions without judgement.

2. Thought.
This component refers to an individual becoming aware and recognizing their thoughts and/or string of thoughts.

3. Attention.
The third element focuses on an individual's capability to remain attentive and aware of their thoughts and emotions, in the present moment, while disregarding or bypassing potential distractions.

4. Choice.
The fourth component refers to an individual’s capacity to choose the thoughts (the most suitable cognitive frameworks ) most optimal for the present context.  

5. Action.
The last component involves implementing the choice from the fourth component, believing positive thoughts and generating the feeling /emotions associated with those thoughts, cultivating the most advantageous mindset, and generating the corresponding emotional state for the most effective outcome: a feel good state.

Crafting the ability to generate a state of being and then making it available (provide it) to those around, is an invaluable skill to possess.

Having the capability to make this “feeling” accessible to patients, clients, students, and loved ones gives and individual a true advantage for healthy influence and motivation.

It has a tremendous impact on the whole world and is a highly desirable accomplishment.

States of Being

The fulfilment you seek in life is actually the authentic self and understanding your authentic self involves developing a complex and dynamic mindset that enables you to view yourself as a multifaceted and constantly evolving individual. This approach allows you to recognize that your personality and behaviors are not fixed, but rather are shaped by a variety of internal and external factors, including your thoughts, emotions, experiences, and social context.

To develop a complex and dynamic mindset, it's important to start by recognizing that your thoughts and emotions are not always accurate reflections of reality. Instead, they are often influenced by cognitive biases, past experiences, and social conditioning. This means that the way you perceive yourself and the world around you may not always be objective or accurate.

To gain a more accurate understanding of yourself, it's important to engage in introspection and self-reflection. This involves taking the time to examine your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and exploring how they are connected to your values, beliefs, and goals. It also involves being open to feedback from others, as they may have insights into your personality and behaviors that you may not have considered.

Another important aspect of developing a complex and dynamic mindset is recognizing that your sense of self is not fixed, but rather can evolve over time. This means being open to new experiences, perspectives, and ideas, and being willing to challenge and revise your beliefs and assumptions as you grow and develop.

To put this into practice, you might try engaging in activities that challenge your comfort zone, such as trying a new hobby or traveling to a new place. You might also seek out diverse perspectives and engage in dialogue with people who have different backgrounds and experiences than your own.

By developing a complex and dynamic mindset, you can gain a deeper understanding of your authentic self and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance. This can help you live a more fulfilling and meaningful life, as you are better able to align your actions and behaviors with your values and goals.

how do you mean?

Word Triangles

Researchers discovered that sentences with unusual grammar or unexpected meaning activate the brain's language processing centers more than straightforward or nonsensical sentences, because Complex Sentences Fire Up Brain’s Language Centers

They used an artificial language network to identify sentences that drove and suppressed brain activity, finding that linguistic complexity and surprisal were key factors.

Sentences requiring cognitive effort to decipher, such as those with unusual grammar or meaning, evoked the highest brain responses. The study offers insights into how the brain processes language and has potential applications in understanding higher-level cognition.

 Key Facts:  
1. MIT researchers used an artificial language network and functional MRI to study the brain’s language processing regions’ responses to different sentences.

2. Sentences with linguistic complexity and surprisal, requiring cognitive effort, activated the language centers more strongly.

3. The study’s findings can help improve our understanding of how the brain processes language and may have broader implications for cognitive research.

Source: Duke University, Dan Vahaba,
Original Research: The findings will appear in Molecular Psychiatry

How do Word / Mind Triangles work?

Word / Mind triangles are the perfect tool used in Cognitive Defusion to help individuals shift from a binary mindset to a more complex, dynamic mindset. One basic idea of a mind triangle is that it consists of three points, each representing a different aspect of an individual's experience: thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

When we experience a distressing thought or emotion, we often get caught up in it and view it as an absolute truth. This can lead to a binary mindset where we feel like we have only two options: to believe the thought or emotion or to try to push it away. However, this binary mindset can be limiting and may not allow for a more nuanced understanding of our experience.

By using a mind triangle, individuals can learn to view their thoughts and emotions as just one aspect of their experience, along with their behavior and physical sensations. This can help them develop a more complex and dynamic understanding of their experience, rather than seeing it in black and white terms.

For example, if someone is experiencing the distressing thought "I am a failure," they might initially feel trapped in this thought and see it as an absolute truth. However, using a mind triangle, they can learn to view this thought as just one aspect of their experience, along with their feelings and behaviors. They might notice that this thought makes them feel anxious and depressed, and that it leads them to avoid situations where they might fail. By examining all three points of the mind triangle, they might begin to see that their thought is not necessarily resourceful and that they have other options besides believing it or avoiding situations where they might fail.

In this way, mind triangles can be a powerful tool for cognitive defusion because they help individuals develop a more complex and nuanced understanding of their experience, rather than getting stuck in binary thinking patterns. This can lead to greater emotional intelligence, increased self-awareness, and improved overall well-being.


My name is Carmen Sauciuc,
I'm  the founder of FeelFulness® with decades of applied neuro-language experience, drawing upon the principles of Functionalism by William James, Inner Alchemy by Carl Jung, Interspersal Tailoring by Milton Erickson, and Human Potential by Martin Seligman. My work is influenced by alchemy and shamanic practices and deeply rooted in neuroplasticity: shifting of one’s state of consciousness, which always involved the intentional shifting of one’s state of being.

When I first discovered Feelfulness’ potential for influence and motivation, my life took a 90-degree turn. This is the reason I developed the techniques, authored the book and created this website because feelfulness’ potential for generating a state of being (feel a feeling by choice) is unrivaled.

Did I say unrivaled? and exceptionally efficient?

Feelfulness® techniques with Word Triangles through Thought-Feeling practices- are the exact tools you need to become a powerful influencer as a therapist, coach or people helper.

I’ve coined the term "Feelfulness" in 2011 and I'll show you how

1. to unleash the power of your Thought-Feelings (self-awareness) with Word Triangles (neuro-language)
2. to re-direct your stream of thoughts (thought management)
3. to shift your mindset (re-pattern) and
4. create a desired state of being by feeling a feeling by choice
5. to productively register it (neuroplasticity) in your muscle memory (automatic habits).    

Did I say unrivaled? and exceptionally efficient?

Take a peek at my book Feelfulness® Feel a Feeling by Choice

1. Develop the Advanced Observer

The ability to observe with intent and focus is a skill that involves picking up on subtle patterns that affect the bigger picture.  With my unique attentional observation skills, you will be able to:  identify trends, adjust to changing conditions, and quickly asses areas for improvement. Attentional observation skills are an invaluable tool for achieving success, helping you  observe opponents, gain insights into their tactics so you sharpen your tools.

1. Feel a Feeling by Choice

Increasing Awareness we already know how to do.  But Feeling a Feeling by Choice when we need to Change an emotion that does not lead to a fulfilled life, is a completely different Skill-Set.  

Not only will you learn to ensure you are never "over-run" by emotions but you will learn hoe to GENERATE a FEELING that will lead to an Emotion.

3. Generate States of Being

Effortlessly Generating a State for your clients begins  with mastering Generating a Feeling that Leads to a State, having a clear discernment over the similarities and differences over the emoti-flavors between various states of being (not just state of mind).    

Once mastered, your generated state can be made available or transferred so-to-speak to your client or an audience (colleagues, family, or group of people).


Thoughts and feelings affect who we become and what we achieve: when we gain the power to change them, we gain the power to change our circumstances, our health, and our life’s purpose, we gain the power to choose HOW you wish to experience the world.


Whether you’re a people helper (practitioner, coach) or managing /leading people,
learning how to Generate a State (Feel a Feeling by Choice®) is for You!

Why? Because it is not just an ADVANCED Skill but it is CONCEPTUAL meaning you can use it in a way that is good for you at whatever you do that you can do better.


Feelfulness is one of the most advanced skills to acquire and to master and once practiced enough number of times, it has become an automatic habit for me and for everyone I taught this as a SKILL.  

Effortlessly generating states for your clients begins  with mastering generating states for yourself first, having a clear discernment over the similarities and differences over the flavors (gradients) between various states of being.


Once mastered, your generated state can be made available or transferred to your client or an audience (colleagues, family, or group of people).

This is the reason why is necessary to increase your acuity, perfecting your detached observation skills, for when and if, you get to the negative patterns, you will already have the skill to neutralize the undesired emotional reaction and to choose your appropriate response by Generating a State.

This is the secret to Mastery!

Lead singers do this very well, but they do not focus on projecting their state unto the audience, instead they focus on presenting their Mastery;  they allow themselves to feel the feeling of, to "swim" in their mastery while performing, and this is how they have their fans “under their spell.”

It's not a "spell," it's FEELFULNESS!